Saturday, January 28, 2012

As I see them

As I sit here pondering how I should introduce this blog, all I can think about is how absolutely turned off I am by the idea of introducing this blog. Mostly because this is the place where I'm supposed to justify why my thoughts in this world are important enough that others should know them. I would much rather just share the story that inspired me to start this whole thing but you really do need an intro so I'm going to do it anyways.

As many of you know, I dabble in many different areas of interest. I am a mother, a poet (most notably of Haiku but I also write more "traditional" poetry that I don't always share...but more on that later), a counselor, an advocate, a teacher, a singer, and most recently a actress(?). My first thought was that I would need to create ten different blogs just to organize all of this but instead I decided to make one blog that encompasses all of it. These are my Universal Truths.

Universal Truths in my life are the little morsels of goodness that I believe the Universe grants to me in order to help me get along in this world and hopefully help others to get along as well. When pondering anything I always try to find the "Truth" in it. By this I mean the "Capitol T - Truth" and not just your average everyday "lower case t - truth" (which often misses the mark completely).

So, there will likely be several categories of Truths like:
"Seventeen Syllables" - devoted to Haikus
"Soul Creation" -will include Toby Guy conversations and stories
"of the Inner Child" - which delves into my love of working with the inner child.

Most of all I hope that anybody who reads this can find a safe place to share their truths as well because there is nothing more freeing than living your truth. Thanks for helping me to live mine.

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